
It’s All About Timing

Stop Scoring to Picture

Mickey Mouse is Dead

Pace Yourself

Glue and Grease

De-Clutter Your Scores

P.S. Click here if you’re ready to start landing paid composing work.

Music in media is just as much about practical function as it is about artistic storytelling.

Our job is to meet both of those needs.

🧴 Glue

Ever notice how montages almost always have a groove under them?

There’s a good reason for that.

Montages show the passage of time in a short sequence. ⏰

That means lots of cuts and scene changes, which can be jarring for a viewer.

Music grooves for a montage because the groove is the glue.

It’s something we can lock onto amidst the ever-changing scenes, seasons, activities, and emotions that come with a montage.

When you’re scoring a scene with lots of cuts, ask yourself:

“What can I do musically to ground the audience and add continuity?”

⛽ Grease

Scenes without music can be a breath of fresh air, particularly in denser soundtracks.

But they can sometimes lack the necessary tension to keep the story going.

Our audience’s attention and interest is essential to tell an effective story. 🔑

Music can “grease the wheels” of our story.

(Check out this great interview with John Powell - whom I first heard coin this term.)

In that moment of the film, the music didn’t need more sadness.

It needed drive**.** 🥁

When you’re scoring a scene that feels slow or stagnant, ask yourself:

“What can I do musically to keep the momentum of the story going?”